RS-KC530M Handleiding v groefmachine

RS-KC530M Handleiding v groefmachine

  • RS-KC530M Handleiding v groefmachine
  • RS-KC530M Handleiding v groefmachine

RS-KC530M Handleiding v groefmachine

RS-KC530M Manual v grooving machine with guider
Suitable for thicker paper cardboard greyboard MDF board  Advantages:
1. Economical:The price of machine can be afforded by most of people
2. Easy to handle:It’s very easy to handle grooving process even if the worker is without any training.
3. Wide Usage:It can be used to groove most of material over 175gsm
4. Material Size: 530mm(max Length), width is no limitation.
5. Application Situations: Small Quantity Capacity(e.g: sample making), Low Labor-resource
6. Full size table 800*400mm is helpful to supporting big cardboard for rigid box and hard case making
7.The guider can make products location easy to promote the production speed.

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